Commencement Ceremony FAQ

Gateway每年5月举行非强制性的毕业典礼. Graduates of technical diploma, associate of applied science, associate of arts, 我们也邀请副学士学位课程参加. 这是一个正式的毕业典礼,庆祝你的学业成就,鼓励所有毕业生参加并得到认可.


Will the ceremonies also be live streamed?
The ceremonies will be live streamed. 观看现场直播的链接将在毕业典礼之前与毕业生分享并发布在门户网站上

The 2023 ceremonies, which are approximately 90 minutes long, will be held on Tuesday, May 14, and Wednesday, May 15, 2024. 个别仪式将按下列方式举行:

  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024
    • 7 p.m. - School of Business & 交通运输与制造、工程与信息技术学院落成典礼
  •  Wednesday, May 15, 2024
    • 7 p.m. -卫生学院、保护与人类服务学院和文科学院 & Sciences Ceremony

Who is eligible to participate in the ceremonies?
所有在2023年秋季或2024年春季毕业的学生, 以及所有在4月15日之前注册2024年夏季期末课程的学生, 会被邀请参加他们项目的适当仪式吗.

You can check this listing of the programs in each school. 此外,当你报名参加时,你会发现正确的仪式为你列出.

Where will the Commencement Ceremonies take place?
颁奖仪式在威斯康辛大学Parkside体育中心举行 & Activity Center / DeSimone Arena in Kenosha. The address is as follows:

4130 Petrifying Springs Rd.
Kenosha, WI 53144
View the location on a map

符合条件的毕业生将被邀请通过我们的在线MarchingOrder门户网站报名参加他们的典礼. 您将在4月初之前通过邮件和电子邮件收到有关在线门户网站的信息. 报名参加婚礼的最后期限是2024年4月23日.

What time should I arrive?
毕业生应不迟于下午6点15分到达.m. for each ceremony. 仪式将在预定时间准时开始.

How many guests can I bring to my ceremony?
每位毕业生将获得5张出席典礼的嘉宾票. Guests will be admitted by ticket only. 当在网上报名参加典礼时,每张嘉宾票将以电子方式分发给毕业生. 电子票可以打印或显示在移动设备上. 每张票都有一个只能扫描一次的电子条形码.

If additional guest tickets become available, 所有参加毕业典礼的人都将收到电子邮件,告知如何在第一次参加毕业典礼的一周内预订, first served basis.

Are formal graduation announcements available?
Yes, graduation announcements are available through

If needed, 你可以在报名参加仪式时提交住宿申请. 座位将保留给行动不便的学生. Furthermore, 我们的残疾支持服务部将与提交住宿请求的学生联系,以确保他们的需求得到满足.

If needed, 当你报名参加婚礼时,你可以提交一份宾客座位安排的申请. 座位将保留给行动不便的客人,在一楼和前几排看台上.

Is there a rehearsal?
No. 我们的引座员将带领你们参观整个仪式.

When and where can I purchase my cap and gown?
To maintain the decorum of the ceremonies, 所有毕业生必须戴黑帽、穿黑长袍参加.

帽子和长袍可以在网上购买,可以在 until April 11, 2024. 未能在截止日期前在线订购的学生将获得有限数量的帽子和长袍. 这些可以在你的校园书店以先到先得的方式购买. All prices for caps and gowns are listed below.


  • Monday, May 6 to Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Friday, May 10, 2024 | 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Cost of the cap, gown, and tassel is $37.00 (plus tax). If you are eligible for honors, 你可以选择花7美元(含税)从书店购买荣誉绳。. 学生退伍军人将被授予退伍军人勋章,以表彰他们的服务, 哪些书可以在校园书店免费买到.

Are face masks required?
No. 学生及来宾如欲佩戴口罩,可自行决定.

Can I decorate my cap?
Yes, you may decorate your cap. Please remember that this is a formal ceremony. Derogatory terms, profanity, etc. are strictly prohibited.

照片:一位专业摄影师将在典礼上为每位毕业生拍照. 请您的家人和朋友不要在典礼期间走近舞台拍照或录像.


Visit for links.

Yes, they will. 所有毕业证书在学期结束后6-8周邮寄给毕业生.